On behalf of the Executive Board and Scout Executive James Westfall, congratulations to our class of 2022 Silver Beavers. These wonderful Scouters were nominated by fellow volunteers and selected by a group of past Silver Beaver recipients who made up the selection committee.
The Silver Beaver is the highest honor a local Council can bestow on a registered adult volunteer and is recognition of volunteer work done at the District and Council levels. Congratulations to a well-deserved group of individuals! These individuals will honored at the Crater Lake Council Annual Dinner on Saturday, August 20th.

Adam August
Adam August began his connection to Scouting as Tiger Adult for his son Ethan in 2012. Adam and his wife Tina now have all 3 children in Scouting. Ethan is a Life Scout in Troop 7, his sister Emma is a Life Scout in Troop 33, and their brother Nolan is a Webelos Scout moving into his second year of Webelos in Pack 17. It is a very busy life at the August house. The August family spends much of their time hiking, traveling to National Parks, and spending time in the great outdoors.
Adam’s Scouting experience includes Den Leader, Webelos Leader, Pack committee member, Scouts BSA committee member, Pack Committee Chair, Pack Executive Officer, Pack Key 3 delegate, Council Member at Large, and Council Vice-President Adam spent 15 years with Harry & David as a CFO. Today he is a Senior Vice President and CFO at Grown Rogue. His financial expertise has been a great help to our Council.

Curt Burrill
Curtis Burrill has been involved in Scouting since he was a youth, earning his Eagle Scout rank in 1987 after building 50 bird nesting boxes for the Denman Wild Life area. In 1990 Curt achieved the Order of the Arrow (Scouting’s honor roll society) vigil honor.
Curt Burrill stepped into the Council President role during a critical time in the council’s history. During his tenure he has helped navigate the disposition of council assets to better align with current enrollment, bankruptcy, and staffing. During his time as one of the Crater Lake Council’s Key 3 representatives position there has been a very significant turnover of board officers as he positions the board to better meet the challenges facing the council and better serve our local Scouts. Previously Curt was a district chair, helping the then Big Pines District that oversaw Grants Pass, OR. to rebuild its fundraising campaigns, bring in new volunteers, and help staff the district committees to the highest level of volunteer involvement in many years.
While working with the Boys and Girls Club he was among the first to notice their deteriorating financial situation, opening discussions with the Josephine County Club and, eventually, Kids Unlimited. He showed awareness, out of the box thinking, and a willingness to do what needed to be done for the kids without regard for the status quo.
Gary Curtis
Gary worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Michigan and then in Yreka, Calif. He has written many papers and led many projects for F & WL. Most notable was the discovery of trout spawning in Lake Superior, when they were thought to be gone. In Yreka he researched fish populations in the Smith, Trinity, and Klamath Rivers. Gary retired for the second time in 2018, and has been extremely active in Scouting since his son became a Cub Scout in 2003.

Jason Fleck
Jason Fleck is a fundraising and financial advisor for the Crater Lake Council and Scoutmaster to Troop 9090 in Redmond, OR. He has worked hard to help plan and improve council facilities and camps. As a member of the committee his experience and advice are a valuable asset to the program, and in turn the Scouts. Jason continues to come up with ideas to help our local Scouting program and to help our leadership be good stewards of the funds and resources entrusted to them.
Jason grew up in Central Oregon and moved back to the region about 20 years ago. He loves the community and gives back wherever and whenever he sees a need. Jason is currently a financial advisor with Stifel and has served on the Family Resource Center Board. He has also been very active in the Oregon Club of Central Oregon as both president and treasurer.